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Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
14 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Dyna Rasayan Udyog Pvt. Ltd. vs. Pooja Bahry and Another. [Civil Appeal No 4125 of 2023]  
07 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Tata Steel Ltd. vs. Venus Recruiter Private Limited & Ors. [Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (C) No(s).10331 & 10332-2023]  
03 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Rayshilakdir Shah vs. Union of India & Ors. Writ Petition (Civil) Diary No.15837-2023  
28 Jun, 2023 In the matter of Sanjay Kumar Agarwal vs. Central Bureau of Investigation, Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Crl.) No(s). 7029-2023  
06 Jun, 2023 In the matter of Darshan Gandhi Vs Union Of India [SLP No. 11823 of 2023]   Withdrawn
19 May, 2023 In the matter of Gluckrich Capital Pvt. Ltd. vs. The State of West Bengal & Ors. Miscellaneous Application No. 1302 Of 2023 (IA. No. 102537 OF 2023)  
15 May, 2023 In the matter of Maganlal daga HUF & Anr. vs. Jag Mohan Daga & Ors. [Civil Appeal No(s). 533-2023]  
11 May, 2023 In the mater of Indiabulls Asset Reconstruction Company Limited vs. Ram Kishore Arora & Ors. [Civil Appeal No. 1925 OF 2023]  
11 May, 2023 In the matter of M. Suresh Kumar Reddy vs. Canara Bank & Ors. [Civil Appeal No. 7121 of 2022]  
10 May, 2023 In the matter of State Bank of India vs. Union Bank of India & Ors. Civil Appeal No. 1810-2021  

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